Monday, August 20, 2007

Our trip to PD for Auntie Aju's wedding ....

Me, Mummy & Papa went on a road-trip to Port Dickson (PD) last weekend to see Auntie Aju get married. Here are some pictures Papa took of me during our stay there...

First time meeting Auntie Ozra (& Nanny Z) who flew all the way from New York to be at the wedding (thanks A. Ozra & Nanny Z for the birthday present).

Tok Mee and ME (hehe...rare to get both smiling for the camera)
Tok Ba and Me (Tok Ba must be thinking that I am the Cheekiest boy he has ever met :) )

All in all the wedding went well except for the rain. I had so much fun meeting so many many many aunties and uncles. Oh ! Sarah was there too...Sarah, when are you coming to Singapore? Duckie can't wait to meet you!

Emuuaks everyone,

1 comment:

nais said...

i love the photos!

happy, happy boy!