Tuesday, July 29, 2008


mummy's thinking " when can we get rid of my siamese twin?"
papa's thinking "gotta save $$ for braces for the kiddo"
right now I'm thinking "blissss......"


KittyCat said...

Hi! I came here thru Paik Ling's blog - your son and mine are only a few months apart :) He's born Jan 31, 2006.

Wanna know how I stopped his pacifier addiction? I only allowed it for nap and bedtimes...

In his 20th month or so, he accidentally bit a hole in the nipple and the new ones don't taste as nice. And that's the end of Mr. Chit-chit LOL

Duckie and Me - Our escapades... said...

Hi KittyCat,

Thanks for sharing your experience :) and dropping by.
My battle is still on-going...siamese twin is winning :(

Duckie and Me - Our escapades... said...
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